Kid's Ministries
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Sunday Mornings 9:30AM
The KidZone is for kids from birth through 6th grade during Sunday morning worship. Experienced leaders and helpers will make your kids feel right at home as they play and learn.
NURSERY - 0 to 2 yr olds
STARTERS - 3-5 yr olds
123 STREET - 1st through 3rd grade
CLUB 56 - 4th through 6th grade
NURSERY - 0 to 2 yr olds
STARTERS - 3-5 yr olds
123 STREET - 1st through 3rd grade
CLUB 56 - 4th through 6th grade


A Warm Welcome
We have greeters in the main lobby and in the Kidzone waiting to welcome you and help you get where you need to go.

Digital Check-In
There are two check-in kiosks where you can check your kids in and receive printed parent and child labels for safe and secure check-out.
Trained & Screened Leaders
All staff and volunteers who work with youth are trained and background checked for the safety of all kids and families.
A Place to Grow
As kids enter their classrooms there is typically a warm up game, then time spent in worship and a Bible lesson.

Wednesday Nights 6:30PM
Join us Wednesday Nights during the school year for Awana Clubs. Worship, Bible lessons, Game time, and Scripture memory help kids build relationships and hide God's Word in their hearts. For age 3 through 6th grade. Questions? Contact Lori Kroll.
We Build Families.
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

Parenting Classes
Check out different parenting and family help classes offered throughout the year.

Blended Family Groups
The Smart Stepfamilies group meets regularly to study the Word and support one each other.

Marriage Conferences
All marriages need investment. We encourage all couples to carve out time for a marriage conference.